Spring 2021

Nonlinear Dynamics & Applied Math Seminar • 21 Students

Math 412 Nonlinear Dynamics

Schedule: Section 01: MWF 1:00 - 1:50

This semester I am teaching Math 412: Nonlinear Dynamics. Material covered will include: Qualitative study of linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations and discrete time maps including stability analysis, bifurcations, fractal structures and chaos; applications to biology, chemistry, physics and engineering. The course will be administered entirely online and I will be using Teams to communicate with my students. Please contact me if you are enrolled and do not have access to the Team.

Math 679 Applied Math Seminar

Schedule: M 3:30 - 4:20

This semester I am also organizing the Applied Math Seminar. It will be held remotely over Zoom. Please see the website below for information on speakers and scheduling.

Course Webpage

Course Instructor


Owen Lewis

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